Friday, February 26, 2010

Ethan's Birthday Cookies

I made cookies to send to my brother-in-law for his birthday this year. He's very interested in Russia, so I made the Russian flag in cookie form.

I made cakes with blue stripes and dots because I had extra blue icing after making the flag. I always get worried about making cookies for guys because most of the cookies I usually make are brightly colored and girly or more suited to younger boys (dinosaurs, cars, etc.). Unless the guy is into sports or cars, I have a hard time deciding what to make.

I've been learning, though, that when it comes to food, most men don't really care if it's a pink and girly as long as it tastes good. I do think these cake cookies turned out festive and appropriate for a guy.

I packaged them in individual bags and put them in a box with bubble wrap to mail. Ethan's birthday was last Saturday, but the cookies didn't get mailed until Tuesday... oops...

Ethan got the cookies yesterday, but I forgot to ask him if any of them broke. He didn't mention it, so I'm going to assume they got their in one piece. He did say he liked the Russian flags.

I'm really enjoying making cakes. I can't wait for Andrew's birthday! I already have some ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Cookies look great. As to your problem making manly cookies for guys... I ran across this site yesterday - the guy who started this business did so in reaction to the pink frilly cupcake bakeries in New York. He's developed 12 "manly" flavors - he's soaking most of them in alcohol but does have a "dry" selection and he's putting screen printed chocolate disks on top of each one in patterns like camo and plaid.
